You should never answer below “Somewhat Important”, and even then you should use that sparingly and only with binary answers

The third is to answer carefully. You want to pick questions that will give you the most amount of compatibility points with your match, and to weight them appropriately. “Mandatory” gives a weight of 250 points to a matching answer while “Very Important” gives you 50 and “A Little Important” only gives you 1 .

The fourth is to pick the right questions. You want to start doing your research on which questions matter to the women you’re interested in. McKinlay found the 500 most popular questions through a combination of Python scripting and creating bogus profiles, which frankly isn’t an option for most of us. However, OKCupid actually gives you that information, if you know how to look for it. You can actually compare your answers with your prospective matches by looking at the “The Two of Us” tab and choosing the “Questions She Cares About” option. These will tell you which questions your match weighted the most heavily. By answering several from each of your most compatible matches, you will develop a strong cluster of questions that will help tweak your match percentages. Again, I stress that it’s vitally important to honest answer honesty. There’s no benefit to be had by trying to guess the “right” answer rather than the one that actually matters to you. If the question doesn’t matter, then just skip it. It’s better to not risk losing the compatibility points.

Do Your Due Diligence

The match percentages are only the first step. Those make you more visible. It’s your profile that needs to intrigue them. If your profile doesn’t let them know that you’re exactly the person that they’ve been looking for all this time, then they’re never going to want to message you, never mind actually go out on a date.

One of the keys to a good profile is to make sure you have one that’s getting the right kind of attention. You want one that prompts people to respond and shows that you have plenty of commonalities. Except… you’re not going to hit this magic ratio on the first try. Or on the second. Or even the third. There will always little things you can do that maximize your returns. You should be revising your profile regularly; there is always room for improvement, especially when it comes to to making sure that other people like what they see. And that means doing your research.

Both Webb and McKinlay went out of their way to research both the people they were interested in but also their competition in order to stand out. McKinlay would data-mine his top matches to find what they were interested in and responded to and made sure to adjust his profile accordingly; when teaching proved to be of great interest to the women he was interested in, he made a point to emphasize his job in academia. Webb created male profiles in order to figure out how to fine-tune her photo choices; as it turned out, the most popular women who were interested in the same sort of men she was had photos very different from the ones that she was using.

Remember, you’re not spear-fishing for specific women; you’re looking for trends of interests that occur with greater frequency amongst the women you’re interested in. Don’t forget: you’re marketing yourself to women in general. The more appealing a product you can put out there, the better your response rate will be.

Get Noticed

One of the things that was notable about McKinlay’s results: he was getting more cold-emails from women messaging him first than he was sending out. He made a point of getting women’s attention by visiting their profiles – as many as possible in fact. He wrote a Python script to systematically visit every profile within his parameters that had a high match percentage, sorted by age; it would start at the oldest potential matches and work it’s way through all of them at 41 years old before resetting and then going through everyone who was 40 years old. As a result: he was showing up in the visitor logs of hundreds to thousands of women. Out of those, a percentage would be intrigued enough to click through and visit his profile – which at this point had been carefully optimized and incredibly intriguing. As a result: women would start to send him messages, giving him a better rate of return of interest than he was getting by cold-contacting women.

Recuerda que a veces nunca seri­a lo que dices, sino el modo en la cual lo dices. Como podri­a ser, no seri­a lo mismo interrogar «?que te gusta efectuar?» a declarar «?como haces para que tu vida no se sienta estancada?». La primera duda seri­a tan abierta, que posiblemente te dira que trabaja bastante o que le agrada consumir, algo sencilla; la segunda la obliga a pensar y exponer mas sobre si misma. Te favorecera a conocerla. Recuerda que a veces no es lo que dices, sino la forma en la que lo dices. No te atasques en un separado motivo Es eminentemente incomodo desplazandolo hacia el pelo tedioso intentar charlar con alguien que unico habla sobre igual la asi­ como una diferente oportunidad. Quizas el asunto te interesa, quizas te funciono en una diferente citacion, quizas sientes que Existen bastante sobre que hablar acerca de el novio, No obstante dedicarse por demasiado lapso al identico topico De ningun modo seri­a gran idea. Hace algun lapso sali con un narrador deportivo, el era muy destacado en su ambito desplazandolo hacia el pelo conocia a la perfeccion el vocabulario experto de su profesion desplazandolo hacia el pelo de el universo del futbol principalmente, No obstante ademas habia practicado un sport similar al rodeo hispanoamericano, debido a que igualmente sabia sobre toros y caballos. En modelos primeras salidas decidio llevarme a las 2 lugares donde podia exponer sus cualidades a la prototipo, es decir, fuimos a la cancha experto sobre futbol Con El Fin De almorzar asi­ como en otra oportunidad me llevo al punto a donde criaban toros de casta. Ambas citas fueron interesantes, aprendi mucho sobre el novio y disfrute las experiencias. No obstante el inconveniente morapio luego. La totalidad de las salidas se hacen rutinarias, por motivo de que el novio unicamente planteaba los mismos temas una desplazandolo hacia el pelo otra oportunidad. Me gustan los sports, pero tengo otros intereses, y no ha transpirado hablar sobre futbol desplazandolo hacia el pelo toros no seri­a precisamente lo mas atrayente de el ambiente. Aprende an admitir cuando agotaste un tema que fue importante para ambos, en punto de arar en la chachara que dio lo que podia dar. Piensa en que no se intenta unicamente sobre ti. No obstante ella nunca lo diga por respeto, se cansara de escucharte continuamente hablar acerca de exactamente lo. Deja de ala la egolatria Esta seri­a la infimo manera sobre pretender impresionar an una mujer. Un varon valeroso nunca publica sus hazanas, porque conoce que estas hablaran por si mismas. Un cosa es permanecer consciente sobre tu valor desplazandolo hacia el pelo tener autoestima, otra es ser presumido desplazandolo hacia el pelo autocomplaciente. Deje con humildad, con una actitud positiva y muestrate espontaneo y fiable sobre ti exacto, desprovisto exagerar. La mayoridad sobre las chicos creen que alardear resulta una buena maniobra y no ha transpirado se equivocan, de este modo que tropezarse con uno que sea la excepcion a la norma es sorprendente a los ojos desplazandolo hacia el pelo oidos de la chica. Enfocate en temas interesantes que sabes manejar, carente caer en mentiras o exageraciones. Recuerda que la conveniente manera de seducir tu atencion es destacando tus atributos sobre forma natural, sin necesidad de alabarte a ti tiempo. Cuida tu tono de voz, posicion corporal, aseo personal, trato visual. Notaras un intercambio positivo en como te perciben cuando eres sensual asi­ como respetuoso al similar tiempo. Dejala que exprese al completo Hablar resulta una de las actividades que disfrutan la mayoridad de las mujeres. Es alguna cosa que nos sale sobre manera natural asi­ como nos divierte, de este modo que si haces las dudas correctas fiable que tu chica se entretendra con el asunto por un lapso. Aprovecha esta caracteristica de escuchar cuidadosamente las ideas -en ellas hallaras otros temas de continuar despues-, Con El Fin De conocerla preferible igual que humano desplazandolo hacia el pelo asimilar un poquito mas sobre su forma sobre acontecer. Algunos varones nunca son excesivamente atentos Con El Fin De escuchar, pero En Caso De Que de verdad sientes alguna cosa mas, empieza an ejercer la “escucha activa” mas que acontecer pasivo en la charla, interviene, pregunta mas desplazandolo hacia el pelo comenta referente a sus ideas. Veras que ella se sentira halagada sobre sentirse escuchada.